When fly fishermen think of tropical saltwater fly fishing the first species that comes to mind is often Bonefish. Bonefish are found throughout the world in tropical and subtropical saltwater environments. In the eastern Pacific they can be found as far north as San Diego CA and as far south as Peru. They are found in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Africa and throughout the Caribbean. Considered one of the most powerful fish pound for pound, their average size ranges from 2 to 4 lbs though larger fish are caught throughout the year. Bonefish live in shallow bays, flats and lagoons and is the fish species that most newbies to tropical saltwater fishing cut their teeth on. Bonefish travel in small schools prowling grass beds and sand flats for shrimp, crabs and other invertebrates. Once they take a well presented fly they follow up with a screaming run that will be the ultimate test of your drag.