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Halibut is the common name principally applied to the two flatfish from the family of right-eye flounders. Halibut are dark brown on the top side with an off-white underbelly and have very small scales invisible to the naked eye embedded in their skin Halibut are symmetrical at birth with one eye on each side of the head. Then, about six months later, during larval metamorphosis one eye migrates to the other side of the head. The Atlantic halibut is the world's largest flatfish. The IGFA record was apparently broken off the waters of Norway in July 2013 by a 515-pound 8.6-foot fish. They are aggressive fish and will gladly take a Clouser Minnow or other baitfish imitations.The a can be found along the Pacific coast from California to Alaska. They are a great fish to catch along sandy beaches where they bury themselves up to their eyes waiting to ambush unsuspecting prey. Surf caught fish range from 3-15 lbs